Napoleon Dynamite Wiki
The Film...
TV Series!

The Film...

That started it all.

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TV Series!

Continuing the adventures of Napoleon.

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The Film...
TV Series!

ND 1ast02 clip-04

1.06 "FFA"
March 4, 2012


The Napoleon Dynamite Wiki is an encyclopedia about everything related to the television and film series Napoleon Dyanmite. This wiki allows everyone to format, create, or edit any article, so we can all work together to create a comprehensive database for fans of Napoleon Dynamite. This wiki has been growing rapidly in the last couple months. Additions are more than welcome, we want to make this wiki as complete as can be.


To write a new article, just enter the article title in the box below.

<createbox>width=24break=nobuttonlabel=Create new article</createbox>

  • Not sure where to start? If you are new to wikis, you may want to read the Help pages.
  • If you want to help but you're not sure where to start, try improving the various stub articles by expanding them.
  • Another helpful activity would be to check the list of wanted pages for frequently linked-to articles that don't exist yet.
  • Editorial help like spelling or grammar is always appreciated.



Startug Startug 14 May 2012

Napoleon Dynamite has been cancelled

Hey guys, bad news. The show has been cancelled after only six episodes and some lackluster ratings. They were working on some more scripts, but I'm sure that it is now official that there will be no…

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Startug Startug 20 March 2012

Will Napoleon Dynamite return for a second season?

Hey guys, Startug here with the first of many weekly blogs. Today I'm going to discuss the show, and the hopeful second season.

I started by watching the movie a few months ago, and I heard about the …

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NapoleonDynamite NapoleonDynamite 12 March 2012


Hey guys I'm new!

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This image has been randomly selected. For more information, click directly on the image. The resulting page has a link to detail when it was uploaded, by whom, and which articles use it.


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